PPC Marketing
Google became the online search juggernaut it is today because of payper- click (PPC) marketing. When a user enters a search term related to your ad, they’ll see your ad appear. If they click on the ad, you pay a small fee, because you just got a new visitor! Here are three tips for PPC marketing in your business.
Google PPC – Go for Relevance
There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to a successful PPC marketing campaign. First, you need to find keywords that actually get a reasonable volume of searches. Second, you need keywords that aren’t impossible to compete for as a small business. Lastly, you need to know your target audience well enough to understand which keywords will relate to what you offer on your website. Otherwise, you’re paying for leads that won’t go anywhere!
Google PPC – Follow the Rules
There are quite a few different PPC Marketing providers available on the Internet today. Before you start implementing any PPC campaigns, learn the rules for each provider that you’re going to use. Some require a balance in your account that’s two or three times as much as your typical budget for the day, while others require a minimum account balance at all times. Don’t allow yourself to get rejected by a provider because you didn’t find out the rules.
Google PPC – Monitor Your Progress
How are your PPC marketing campaigns doing? You need to monitor the number of clicks you’re receiving on your site and where they’re coming from. This tells you which keywords are actually bringing relevant traffic to your site, which allows you to allocate more money to the real winners!
These are just a few tips on successful PPC marketing, but they’re a great starting point. Even if it requires some fine-tuning as you go along, a Google PPC campaign is a great source of traffic and well worth the experimentation!