You run a small local business, not a megastore or a high-traffic multilevel marketing website; so do you really need to have a blog? In today’s hyperconnected digital world, the answer is a resounding yes.
A blog can be an effective tool for:
- developing relationships with your target customers
- funneling new traffic to your site (and thus your business)
- gaining customer faith in your expertise
Build a Community
Image by nasirkhan / 123RF Stock Photo
A well-written, pertinent, and regularly updated business blog offers an incredible marketing opportunity for your business. Unlike print advertisements or e-mail blasts, blogs create a two-way exchange with your customer base, thus building a community of people specifically interested in your product or service. Write blog posts answering frequently-asked questions, or with helpful “how-to” tips related to your industry. With a few simple links, you can make it possible for your blog readers to comment, ask questions, or offer suggestions on the topic. This participation make visitors to your website feel more invested in their relationship with your business.
Attract New Business
By using a few easy SEO techniques, your blog can achieve a high ranking on popular internet search engines. When people search for businesses in your locality, then, yours will one of the first listed in the results. Studies have shown that most people choose to patronize one of the first 5 businesses that pop up when they do an online search!
Gain Customer Confidence
When you blog about what you know, and provide valuable information or answers to your readers’ questions, you are giving current and potential customers faith in your expertise. An informative, well-written blog will go a long way toward building customer confidence by showing that you are knowledgeable.
Incorporating a blog into your website design can be an inexpensive way to gain more customers, develop relationships with customers, and establish yourself as an expert in your industry.